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Smart Defrag Smart Defrag Добавить файл в избранное

Категория: Программы
Каталог - Программы - S - SM
 Имя файла: smart-defrag-setup.exe Найти похожие »
 Размер: 15 739 920 байт (15.01 MБ)
 Добавлен: 17/06/2014 | Закачан: 11/09/2023
 Обновился: 22/07/2020
 6 242 всего закачек »
Посмотреть скриншот Smart DefragSmart Defrag 4, a FREE, light, and stable disk defragment tool designed for maximum hard drive performance, introduces Boot Time Disk Defrag to get up to 100% faster PC startup by intelligently streamlining your files based on using frequency, thus accelerating disk speed for faster data access! The newly added SSD Defrag will significantly improve the access speed of SSDs and expand its useful life. With Game Defrag, users can also manually add the games to the Smart Defrag 4 to be defragged separately from the complete storage drive defrag, for top gaming performance. Being the first Disk Defragmenter that fully supports Windows 8/8.1 Metro Apps, Smart Defrag 4 works fast, automatically and quietly in the background and it is a disk defragmenter suitable for large hard drives.

What's New:

+ New Defrag Engine - Less CPU usage, faster and more stable defrag.
+ New Smart Defrag/Optimization Technology - Intelligently perform the most suitable defrag/optimize method for different disks.
+ Enhanced Defragmentation - Further improved algorithms to release more space and enhance defragmentation.
+ Added SSD Trim - Improve the performance and durability of SSD.
+ New Game Defrag - Professional game defrag technology for better gaming experience.
+ Brand New UI - Simpler but easier for operation.
+ New Report Center - Easier and clearer to view report details.
+ Added Multi-language - 38 different languages supported and more will be added.
* More can be discovered by you.
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Изменения в последней версии:
+ New Defrag Engine
+ New Smart Defrag/Optimization Technology
+ Enhanced Defragmentation
+ Added SSD Trim
+ New Game Defrag
+ Brand New UI
+ New Report Center
+ Added Multi-language - 38 different languages supported

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