Image comparison algorithm 1.1 ![Добавить файл в избранное](/images/but_addfav_16.gif)
Категория: Программы
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- IC
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ic_setup.exe Найти похожие
Размер: 11 918 128 байт
(11.37 MБ)
Добавлен: 27/08/2006
| Закачан: 10/01/2024
Обновился: 10/01/2024 Рейтинг:
6 885 всего закачек »
We are proud to present you our unique image comparison algorithm implemented as standalone dll file. It has only one exported function with two bitmap pointers in and similarity percentage out. Can work with many programming languages including Delphi, Visual C++, C#, VB and VB.NET. We can also provide you with the modified DLL. It can precalculate image hash (768 bytes) and you can use these hashes for comparison then.
You can check our comparison algorithm with help of our Image Comparer tool. Use Google to quickly locate it. Command line version is also available. Custom versions are available too. Полное описание »
Материалы по теме:
Файлы дня: Магия семян, Image Comparer, Coldplay - Brothers and Sisters
http://www.bolidesoft.com/software/ic_setup.exe Рейтинг: 5.0
Файл расположен на: http://www.bolidesoft.com
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