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Belltech Greeting Card Designer 5.5 Добавить файл в избранное

Категория: Программы
Каталог - Программы - G - GC
 Имя файла: gcard.exe Найти похожие »
 Размер: 6 509 305 байт (6.21 MБ)
 Добавлен: 28/06/2006 | Закачан: 29/05/2020
 Обновился: 29/05/2020
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Belltech Greeting Card Designer helps you design personalized greeting cards and print or email them. It is a professional quality greeting card creator software. Create cards for birthday, anniversary, wedding, religious days, New Year, Love and Care moments, for all occasions. Product Highlights 1) Start with a card template and add your own photos and clip arts to finish. 2) Add cool callouts, smiles, love-signs and more. 3) Use 100s of supplied verses in your card. 4) Create quarter fold or half fold cards. 5) Add color gradient effects and texture to your design. 6) Modify color, style, size to create numerous designs. 7) Add partial transparency, shadows to your images and shapes. 8) Use from many standard card templates and backgrounds supplied. 9) Use an integrated screen capture tool to grab any image you see on your screen or internet browser. 10) Use a variety of image editing features like faded edge, torn edge etc. to fine tune your photos. Use Belltech Greeting Card Designer to create excellent cards. This feature-rich program offers cut-copy-paste functionality for all the design elements. You can also copy paste texts and images from other applications. You can save your designs and modify them later or print and send them to amaze your recipient. You can create your own card templates too.
You can insert images of format .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .png, .tif, .wmf. Print your card on letter size paper, or resize your card to fit any paper size including A4, A5, Executive etc. Other features include, export your card as an image or a pdf file, save as a webpage for the internet. Belltech Greeting Card Designer offers consumer license, as well as commercial license for starting your own greeting card business.
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Изменения в последней версии:
Windows 7 support added, create your own card templates.

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