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ReaConverter Pro ReaConverter Pro 5.1 Добавить файл в избранное

Категория: Программы
Каталог - Программы - R - RE
 Имя файла: ReaConverterPro.exe Найти похожие »
 Размер: 99 323 256 байт (94.72 MБ)
 Добавлен: 01/09/2006 | Закачан: 03/06/2015
 Обновился: 03/06/2015
 Рейтинг: Рейтинг: 2.0 2.0
 4 009 всего закачек »
Посмотреть скриншот ReaConverter ProReaConverter makes image conversion and oft-recurring picture editing simple.

Every year thousands of users around the world save thousands of hours using ReaConverter.

As well as handling every conceivable format you may encounter, ReaConverter also provides a command line utility, allowing you to process images in console mode.

And of course, we've added all the most useful features, such as image editing and the most efficient batch processing in any software of this type!

ReaConverter Pro is intended for specialists and "power users" who need extra leverage and flexibility when working with hundreds and thousands of different images. PDF, EPS, AI, RAW formats support and a command line interface make this edition the ideal solution for professional image processing.

With ReaConverter 4, you will be able to convert from: BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, ICO, PCD, Webshots, Additional 300+ file formats, including archaic and rare formats, Metafiles: EMF, WMF, PostScript based files: PDF, EPS, PS, AI , Digital cameras raw images: CRW, CR2, DNG, DCR, NEF, RAW, RAF, X3F, ORF, SRF, MRW, BAY, PEF.

Additional ReaConverter features: Settings for multipage images, Color transparency settings, Options to copy EXIF, IPTC and Alfa channel info, Built-in thumbnail creator, Customizable renaming tool, advanced output settings, Multitask conversion, Context menu integration Command line interface.

ReaConverter 4 is available for free download and evaluation at
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Изменения в последней версии:
Windows® Vista full compatibility;
Increased speed of conversion and editing;
400+ file formats supported;
Photoshop® plug-ins in the automated editing process;
Built-in scheduler to convert or edit images at a specified time;
Advanced settings for right click conversion;
Red Eye Remover;
RGB curves

Материалы по теме:
Файлы дня: Одиссея Черепашки, ReaConverter Pro, Exportizer, Dark Funeral - Call from the Gave

 Закачать Рейтинг: 2.0
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03/03/2008, 04:19

Автор: alyaska
Отправлено из Download Master
автор,не мог сказать,что регить надо?...теперь обратный отсчет пошел,а ключика нет...

29/02/2008, 09:32 Оценка: 2 из 5

Автор: oleg1937
Отправлено из Download Master
Мутная триалверсия!

Всего комментариев: 2

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за 7 дней
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