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Babylon Babylon 8 Добавить файл в избранное

Категория: Программы
Каталог - Программы - B - BA
 Имя файла: Babylon8_setup.exe Найти похожие »
 Размер: 725 344 байт (708.34 KБ)
 Добавлен: 27/05/2009 | Закачан: 29/03/2015
 Обновился: 29/03/2015
 21 475 всего закачек »
Посмотреть скриншот BabylonBabylon enables you to get Web page, full document and text translations, relevant information, conversions and writing tools instantly with a single click of the mouse. You just have to click on any text on your screen and a small window appears with the relevant text translation, information or conversion that you need, without interrupting your workflow. Babylon features: Text Translation in 33 languages all in a single click It has never been easier, just click any word in the text you want to translate and Babylon will automatically identify the relevant text passage and translate it. This great new feature, based on the most advanced text translation technology, helps you understand texts in languages you are less familiar with. Results from the world's leading publishers - Get instant results from the world's leading dictionaries and encyclopedias. Babylon offers its users, for an additional fee, a wide range of titles from the world's premier publishing houses: Britannica, Oxford, Merriam Webster, Pons, Larousse, Duden, Langenscheidt, Wahrig, Taishukan, Michaelis, Van-Dale and many more. Wikipedia content Babylon's single click intuitive technology now offers its users results from Wikipedia the multilingual web-based encyclopedia in 9 languages with more than 3 million articles. Translation in over 75 languages Babylon's translation and dictionary software offers results from a database of over 1,500 sources in over 75 languages. The database includes 33 professional dictionaries developed by Babylon's own linguistic team in different languages, such as; English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Hebrew, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, Russian, Korean, Greek, Arabic, Turkish and Swedish. Unit Conversions Babylon converts currencies, measurements and time, just click on any value in any desktop application to get instant conversions. Babylon automatically identifies the required conversion type, based on unit symbols that appear next to the numbers.
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Изменения в последней версии:
New interface. Writing Aid Tools. Text translation in a single click. New titles

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1 Adobe Flash Player 15
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4 ACE Stream 3.1.1
5 Dr.Web CureIt!
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9 AnyDesk.exe
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12 WebMoney Кошелёк
13 vlc-3.0.21-win64.exe
14 SteamSetup.exe
15 SkypeSetupFull.exe
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