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123 Flash Chat Software 123 Flash Chat Software 7.7.1 Добавить файл в избранное

Категория: Программы
Каталог - Программы - 1 - 12
 Имя файла: 123flashchat.exe Найти похожие »
 Размер: 78 116 424 байт (74.50 MБ)
 Добавлен: 01/09/2006 | Закачан: 01/05/2012
 Обновился: 01/05/2012
 Рейтинг: Рейтинг: 5.0 5.0
 663 всего закачек »
Посмотреть скриншот 123 Flash Chat Software123 Flash Chat Software can add a chat room to your website in minutes. It organizes chat events or online meetings for social network or portals, etc. Technology utilized: Java chat server and various flash chat client. It not only offers full-featured user interface, new way of cotroling & sharing your chat, but also text and video chat, multiple chat room skins & support, seamless integration to your database such as Joomla!, phpBB,etc. And, New Post Notifier Module is added; HTML Chat is enhanced, etc.
The website owner sooner or later will realize that a live chat is one of the crucial elements required for sustaining the popularity of the site. What could be more attractive and interactive for a talkative visitor than a chat room? The answer is- a neat, feature rich and easy chat room! Exactly the kind of chat that 123 Flash Chat can create. With the help of it, a website will be able to turn visitors to loyal members, especially with the amusing new features- iPhone Chat & share chat.
"Ease of Use"
Both end-user and administrator will find no problems with adjusting 123 Flash Chat thanks to its neat customization options. 123 Flash Chat works well cross-platform, such as Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.
The multi-threaded Java server engine works like clockwork with high-load support, ensuring unprecedented performance with any number of visitors and chat rooms.
123 Flash Chat has gained clients' confidence worldwide for superior performance, ease of use and impressive amount of features. It's no wonder that now 123 Flash Chat is in high demand and used by more than 400,000 websites in over 150 countries.
"Flexible and Scalable"
123 Flash Chat Software is flexible, it includes text chat and video chat options, license or hosting options and Language Control. HTML edition is available as an alternative chat client now. Consult the 7/24 live supporters in the live chat demo to find out which package suits you best!
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Изменения в последней версии:
Further improve user experience from two aspects.

Материалы по теме:
Файлы дня: Moдный дом, 123 Flash Chat Server Software, Eguchi Takahito - TB_No.37_conspiracy

 Закачать Рейтинг: 5.0
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29/09/2008, 06:43 Оценка: 5 из 5

Автор: timkatimka
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